Support the #justice4holloway campaign to honour the 170 year history of HMP Holloway with an iconic, transformative and inclusive Women's Building of national importance.
We call on the developers (Peabody) and Islington Council to:
1. Plan for a Women’s Building that is striking in design and imposing in scale, transforming a painful history into a positive legacy.
2. Urgently support an independent feasibility study to ascertain the space required and the economic sustainability of the Women’s Building, and apply the findings to the design.
3. Carry out extensive, meaningful public and women's sector consultation and act in meaningful partnership with Community Plan for Holloway’s Women’s Building Working Group on the development and brief for the Women’s Building.
4. Design a procurement strategy that prioritises women-led businesses in the creation of the building, from architects to construction workers all the way through to building management.
To support the campaign, simply enter your details in the form below and submit.
We would also love to hear your personal stories, testimonies, ideas, and reasons for your support. Once you submit your details you will be taken to a new form where you can add further comments.