Please read the following FAQ before proceeding.
AMKMC Baptism and Membership Course (BMC) FAQ
The Methodist Book of Discipline tells us that:
"A local church is a community of all true believers under the Lordship of Christ… [It] is a connectional society of persons who have professed their faith in Christ, have been baptized, have assumed the vows of membership in The Methodist Church, and are associated in fellowship as a local Methodist Church that may hear the Word of God, receive the Sacraments, praise and worship the triune God, and carry forward the work.” [Part IV, ¶101 & 103, (2017 edition)]
We thereby warmly welcome you to AMK Methodist Church and we praise God for your desire to be Baptized. We trust the following FAQ will answer your queries regarding baptism and membership class.
1) What is Baptism?
Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the body of Christ, the Church, which joins the new member with Christians everywhere. It is an outward sign of your inward faith. At baptism, God seals the person who is baptized as His own. Candidates must carefully consider their motives for baptism and their willingness to accept the responsibilities of the Christian life. Candidates should participate regularly in the life of the church, attend worship services, study the Bible and learn to follow Christ’s teachings in daily life.
2) Can I be baptized but not take up church membership?
Baptism is opened to all individuals who are committed and convicted to follow Jesus Christ. Unless there are important reasons, all above 16 years old are encouraged to follow through their baptism with a membership commitment, receiving the ritual of Confirmation.
3) Why should I take up membership in a church?
Baptism is a vital sign of our Christian faith. Through baptism, we identify with Christ in his death and resurrection, we are incorporated into the body of Christ, and received into the family of God.
4) What if I am under 16 years old or have child/children under that age who wish to be baptized?
If the person is below the cut off age of 16, he/she is not required to attend the BMC but can still be baptized together with other children and infants (usually in early Dec).
He/she will still need to go through Baptism and Membership course if he/she intends to take up membership when he/she is older.
5) Do I automatically become a member of the church upon my baptism?
No, you will have to apply to be received into membership in the application form. Reception into AMKMC membership will be conducted during CARIM Sunday, which stands for Confirmation And Reception Into Membership. This reception into membership is for the following:
a. Baptized as a Child and now ready to be confirmed as a full member of the church (16 years and above)
b. Recently baptized Adult candidates who successfully completed BMC and endorsed by pastors and who wish to take up membership with AMKMC.
c. Adults who were baptized in other churches but who wish to transfer and take up membership with AMKMC.
6) What are the prerequisites for membership with AMKMC?
• Candidate must at least be 16 years old.
• Must have been faithfully attending AMKMC worship service for last 6 months.
• Fulfil Baptism & Membership Course and Retreats requirement (See Q #12)
• A regular and integrated member of an AMKMC Cell Group and/or actively serving in a Ministry in AMKMC.
• Fulfil all the assignments from BMC classes
• Successfully completed Interview process with Pastor/Pastoral Staff and recommended for Baptism and Membership.
7) How long must I be attending AMKMC before I can apply to be a member?
You should have been attending our Sunday services for at least 6 months regularly before applying for membership.
8) How are you going to verify if I have attended AMKMC for 6 months already?
We will base this upon the honest declaration of the individual.
9) Why does AMKMC choose to take this process for membership?
At AMKMC, our objective is to emphasize discipleship and service in a local church community. We help our people to become disciples in small groups. Hence it is something we take seriously, that those seeking to become members go through a process that helps them grow and mature as Christians – eventually taking their place amongst the ministry of the Kingdom. The process, whilst seemingly longer – will no doubt benefit those who participate in it and thereafter enhance the Body of Christ as a whole.
10) What are my obligations to the church as a member?
Our membership vows include our commitment to the church community through our prayers, presence, gifts, and service. Membership should not be taken lightly. It is a covenant and commitment with the local church and congregation. Hence it is a serious consideration. And if you are not ready at this point in time to make that commitment you are urged to delay it until you are ready.
11) Do I have to go through Baptism and Membership Class (BMC) if I am transferring from another church?
Yes, this is to develop the sense of Christian fellowship in this local community of AMKMC (TRAC).
12) If I have fulfilled all membership requirements but unable to be present on the day of membership reception, would I still be recorded as a member of the church?
The purpose of church membership is to enable the believer to be part of the faith community, hence we will receive you into membership on the next round of membership reception day when the congregation could welcome you in person as well as pray for you as a community. As reception is into the community of believers, it cannot take place on an individual basis.
13) What are the topics and schedule for BMC for this year?
This 12-week sessions are for anyone who wants to step up to make a declaration of faith through baptism or step up in making a commitment to become a member of AMKMC. This will be done through small group facilitation. The sessions cover Christian living, as well as our Methodist History and Gifts.
Programme schedule is as follows:
Topic / Date/Time
1. Sin / 11 Feb / 7.30 – 9.30pm
2. Why and How to Study the Bible / 25 Feb / 7.30 – 9.30pm
3. Putting Christ First / 4 Mar / 7.30 – 9.30pm
4. His Strength / 11 Mar / 7.30 – 9.30pm
5. God's Word / 18 Mar / 7.30 – 9.30pm
6. Love / 25 Mar / 7.30 – 9.30pm
7. Giving / 1 Apr / 7.30 – 9.30pm
8. The Church / 8 Apr / 7.30 – 9.30pm
9. Good Works / 22 Apr / 7.30 – 9.30pm
10. Witnessing / 29 Apr / 7.30 – 9.30pm
11. Retreat #1 – Steps to Freedom /10 May / 9 – 5pm
12. Retreat #2 – History of Methodist Church in Singapore & Teaching on the Holy Spirit / 17 May / 9am – 5pm
14) Do I need to take the class if I only want to go for baptism and not membership?
Yes, you will still need to complete the BMC sessions. You can choose to take up membership within 2 years with full exemption from further classes but will need to go through Interview with pastor/pastoral staff again.
15) Are there exemptions from BMC sessions?
Exemptions will be granted to those who have completed/or are taking Witness & Evangelism - Growing in Christ Series 2 (Lessons on Christian Living). This will cover lessons 3 – 10. However, the candidate will still need to attend sessions 1, 2, 11 & 12 together with the personal interview sessions.
16) What if I am unable to make it to a few of the current BMC lessons or a retreat due to overseas work commitment or medical reasons?
All the lessons and retreats are compulsory. Candidates who miss out certain requirement during this period will need to undertake to fulfill the missing lessons during subsequent BMC runs within 2 years. We also encourage candidates to reschedule follow-up in this current run. Hence please work with your facilitator to reschedule follow up classes and assignments as soon as possible.
17) How do I sign up for the Baptism and Membership Class?
Please prepare the following and hand it to the church office or a soft copy through email to:
1) A completed application form
2) Passport size photo
3) Transfer Certificate from former church *
4) Baptism certificate **
5) Personal testimony of about 200-500 words before the start of the interview process
* For transfer of membership only, letter received from the former church before CARIM Sunday on 18th May
** For those who had been baptized but not confirmed as a member
18) When will the Baptism Service be held?
It will be held on 18th May at 10.30am service.
19) What are the expectations of the class?
A. Be punctual for the interview and classes
B. Submit the form with fully furnished details and documents
C. To do the readings and devotions as directed
D. To keep an open mind and heart for the Holy Spirit to guide, convict and transform you
E. To make a decisive commitment to join a cell group and be involved in ministry.