Website and Social Media Release:
By signing below, I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to Locati Edge for website purposes only to use my or my child’s application materials along with photos and or videos. It is understood that Locati Edge will not use any personal information on their website.
I acknowledge that Locati Edge will rely on this consent and release in producing, broadcasting, and distributing the Materials, and agree that neither I nor my child nor applicant will receive any money or other remuneration of any kind from Locati Edge related to this consent and release, or the Materials covered by this consent and release.
Locati Edge Authorization:
By signing below, I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child named above or I am an applicant over the age of 18 and have provided my permission to apply for the Locati Edge grant. I acknowledge that I and/or my child are responsible for all activities associated with the project associated with the grant request. As such, I/we release Locati Edge and its Board Members, officers, or employees from any responsibility or liability in case of illness, injury, or misfortune as a result of any activity associated with the above grant request.