2. A minimum of nine (9) semester credit hours of elective courses (5000 or above) is required for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program in the P3 student year. The purpose of the P3 elective requirement is to allow students to take specialized courses, which build upon knowledge gained in the P1 and P2 curriculum. The P3 electives should aid a P3 student in meeting their individual career goals, completing their PharmD project, and/or complement other coursework in their chosen curriculum track.
Once this form is submitted, a copy of the checklist and all uploaded documents will be automatically sent to your faculty mentor. You will need to contact them by email to set up a meeting to discuss this mentoring checklist. Please note that faculty mentors have many demands on their time and students are expected contact their faculty mentor about scheduling this meeting at least two weeks prior to the submission deadline.
I Your Name (print name), have discussed each of the required items above with my professional development mentor(s).
Student: Please skip to the end of this form to Submit your form now. A copy of your submission will be sent to your email and to your Faculty Mentor.
The following items must be discussed during the faculty mentor meeting:
By signing below, I am confirming that I have discussed and provided feedback on the above student's educational and professional goals.
Students must upload this completed and signed form to the Canvas course page