SFSS Equity and Sustainability Committee At-Large Application:
First Name
Last Name
SFU Email
What do you self-identify as?
Do you self-identify as a marginalized and historically-excluded community member?
Prefer not to say
Why do you want to be a member of this Committee?
Tick all the organizing experience you have with the following relevant equity and sustainability issues and spaces listed
Racial Justice
Migrant and International Student Justice
Disability Justice
Climate Justice
Indigenous Justice
Gender and Sexuality
Anti-Capitalism and Classism
Indigenous Sovereignty, and Governance
Explain two experiences in the above advocacy and activism in relation to student empowerment, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI), sustainability, and/ or anti-oppression? How did you center marginalized folks in these experiences? Discuss how the SFSS can learn from that experience?
(200 words max)
What are some of the Equity seeking groups you know on campus? If you’ve worked or volunteered with them in any capacity, what did you contribute?
(250 words max)
In what ways do you act in solidarity with communities that are not your own while not centering yourself?
It often makes people in privileged positions uncomfortable when marginalized folks bring up issues regarding oppression. How do you deal with this kind of discomfort?
Do you have any access needs? If yes, what will you need to participate and feel supported? (ex. captions, ASL, etc)
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