Empowerment Academy Gold Signature Program Application
First Name
Last Name
Updated mailing address, if changed
Registration Fees. (Fees payable via PayPal to info@darcycastro.com.)
I will pay the $200 deposit, and the $150 remaining fee within 60 days.
I will pay the $350 total fee.
What was the best part of your initial Empowerment Academy Signature Program experience:
What are you goals for the next year?
Are you registered or have plan to register for a pageant within the next year? If so, list the name of the system and dates of the competition.
Are you currently under a non-compete contract with another pageant system? (No worries, we can work around this!)
What are you goals for the Gold level experience?
Please describe any accommodations you may need:
Contractual Agreement for Participation
I have read the Contractual Agreement for Participation, and agree to abide by the rules as set forth by the Empowerment Academy.
Should be Empty: