The Training Schedule and Training Session Plan
The Training Schedule
A well-developed training schedule details and guides the overall training by providing the dates, sequence of, and time allotment of the training topics.
1) Number of overall training sessions.
2) Session dates, times, and locations; and
3) Order and duration of topics (including introductions, breaks, and summary) per session.
The Training Session Plan
A well-developed training session plan details and guides individual training sessions helping to ensure organized, thorough, consistent, and replicable training.
1) Topics.
2) Goals for each topic.
3) Outcomes (clearly stated, replicable, specific, and measurable or observable) for each topic.
4) Materials, Supplies, Resources, and Equipment needed.
5) Tutor Preparation (pre-requisite pre-training reading and/or writing assignments).
6) Activities and Materials (step-by-step instructions of what to say-main ideas, key questions, and activity procedures-and what to do, and time allotment)
7) Planned Assessments for each outcome.
8) Annotated Bibliography (listing of citation and description of role of material in the training).