Hummingbird Building Fund
Let's Build Together. 1st order will be submitted Aug 15, 2021. All bricks orders will ship together and be used at the New Facility Location. 1. Select your desired brick(s) size, bench style, tile(s) size, or array. 2. See max lines and characters and input your information. 3. Make your payment. 4. Send logo for Arrays order only to Thank you for your support.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Business Name (if applies)
Full Business Name
Business Address if different
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Alternate Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
My Products
( X )
Build Together Bricks. Two (2) Brick sizes to choose from.
2 Brick Size Options Available Please note the max number of lines and characters.
Building Together Bricks
Standard 4 x 8 x 2 3/8
Medium 8 x 8 x 2 3/8
Array Bricks w/ Logo.
Please Submit your logo to
Garden Bench. Two (2) Options to choose from.
Select your Curved or Straight Garden Bench.
Garden Bench 2 available
Curved Bench
Large Straight Bench
Item subtotal:
Marble Memorial Wall Tile. Three (3) sizes to choose from
Please see Marble tile line and character max
Memorial Garden Marble Tile no logo 3 options available
Marble Tile 4 x 8 x 1/2
Marble Tile 8 x 8 x 1/2
Marble Tile 12 x 12 x 1/2
Enter information for BRICK LINES AND CHARACTERS. 4 x 8 - 4 lines with a max of 21 characters per line. 8 x 8 - 6 lines with a max of 18 characters per line.
Enter information for ARRAYS BRICKS. 9 ( 8x8) 24 lines with a max of 63 characters per line.
Enter information for MARBLE TILE no logo. 4 x 8 - 4 lines with a max of 21 characters per line. 8 x 8 - 8 lines with a max of 21 characters per line. 12 x 12 - 10 lines with a max of 25 characters.
Enter information for CURVED BENCH. 6 lines with a max of 40 characters per line
Enter information for LARGE STRAIGHT BENCH. 6 lines with a max of 44 characters per line
Payment Methods
Debit or Credit Card
Please click one of the PayPal options to complete payment and
the form.
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