Terms and conditions for Certified Service Facility Applicants
a) The applicant always fulfils the certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes, when they are communicated by Exert Certification.
b) The applicant makes all necessary arrangements for;
1) conducting evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel, and subcontractors used in the processes;
2) investigation of complaints;
3) the participation of observers, if applicable;
c) The applicant makes claims regarding certification consistent with the scope of certification
d) The applicant does not use its facility certification in such a manner as to bring Exert Certification into disrepute and does not make any statement regarding its Service Facility certification that the Exert Certification may consider misleading or unauthorized;
e) Upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, the applicant discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and takes action as required by the certification scheme (e.g. the return of certification documents, such as certificate, letter of granting of certificate etc.) and takes any other required measure;
f) If the applicant provides copies of the certification documents to others, then it is to be ensured that the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme;
g) In making reference to its facility certification in communication media such as documents, brochures or advertising, the applicant complies with the requirements of the Exert Certification or as specified by the certification scheme;
h) The applicant complies with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of the IECEx logo, and on information related to the Certified Service Facility services;
i) The applicant keeps a record of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and makes these records available to Exert Certification, when requested, and
1) takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in inspection and maintenance services that affect compliance with the requirements for certification;
2) documents the actions taken;
Verification for the above requirements may be done by Exert Certification against the details specified in the certification scheme.
j) The applicant informs Exert Certification, without delay, of changes that may affect its ability to conform with the certification requirements. These may include one or more of the followings;
· the legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership,
· organization and management (e.g. key managerial, decision–making or technical staff),
· major changes to the inspection and maintenance services,
· contact address and Service Facility location,
· major changes to the quality management system.