This is a day for ALL GCA students grades Kindergarten through high school to honor grandparents and others from their generation who have impacted our students by their wisdom and love. We welcome grandparents and other special neighbors, aunts, uncles, etc.
If your student does not have a grandparent representation they are still here to BLESS the grandparents, and are a vital part of our day- and in this case we would also LOVE to have you as a parent join us as your child's guest. We would love for YOU to visit the classroom and introduce your child's grandparent who could not attend if you desire. If you want to get in on the action and your student WILL have a grandparent or friend attending, we have many opportunities for you to volunteer at the event-- a link will be sent for that!
**For our Upper School Students and Grandparents we will serving Canes for lunch and encouraging message, and a time for them to eat with their students and visit the book fair. They will also have a short opportunity to tour the school and visit the classrooms in an open house format.
The Canes lunch is $10/person, or you are welcome to bring something. Dessert and drinks will be on us!
Schedule of Events
11:00 Registration Upper school/ Book Fair Open
11:30-12 Canes Lunch with Upper School in Gym/ Book Fair Open
12-12:30 Dessert / Chapel with Upper School Students
12:45 Registration Lower School
12:45-1:45 Open House: Visit Elementary Classroom/ Book Fair Open
1:15-1:45 Grandparents in Gym for Dessert and Coffee
2:00 Program for Lower School Grandparents
2:45 Grandparents may pick up their grandchildren at their class and sign them out to take them with them
3:00 Regular Dissmissal Lower School
3:30 Regular Dissmissal Upper School
Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
Proverbs 17:9