The Invitation:
Activists from the former Soviet space and from the United States are invited to participate in the program. Women, nonbinary, minority, and others who feel their voices have been marginalized are encouraged to apply.
Qualifications include any of the following:
1. Activism, including direct action, in environmental issues related to community concerns, including, but not limited to, oil and gas development-related environmental concerns;
2. Journalism, particularly investigative journalism, of environmental concerns, including, but not limited to, oil and gas-related issues;
3. Use of legal and non-binding mechanisms to hold accountable oil and gas companies, financiers of hydrocarbon development, and governments involved in dodgy deals that impact local communities or the environment;
4. Engagement in specific environmental and/or human rights campaigns that address the concerns of communities, activists, or other entities impacted by environmentally egregious, toxic, or harmful projects;
5. Some proficiency in English. (Accommodations for Russian language available)
6. The time and ability to commit to participating in the online sessions, which will be held over a period of 4-6 weeks in the fall of 2021 (likely in late September and October).