Education Grant Application
Organization Name
Enter Legal Name of the Organization and/or DBA
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Website URL
(If applicable)
Mailing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
501c3 Tax Exempt Status
Upload copy of 501c3 letter
Browse Files
Organizational Information
Mission Statement and History
250 Word Limit
Total Organization Budget
Browse Files
Budget should reflect the total percentage of program, operation, and fundraising expenses
Upload Most Recent 990
Browse Files
Number of people served per year
Budget Justification
Please further explain your budget including allocation of staff and volunteer time (FTE) across each program. Clearly communication the percentage of expenses allocated to programs, operations, and fundraising.
Programming Information
Program Name
Name of the program for which you are requesting funding
Geographic Area Served
Please indicate cities and states
Number of people served in this specific program
Program-Specific Budget
Browse Files
Include the program specific budget including a descriptive justification for each expense and the salary allocation (FTE) of each staff to each program including volunteer hours
Total Funds Requested
What educational concerns does this program target?
How will you use the funds to address the issues or concerns?
What are the goals of the program?
Please note that all programs funded by NBO are required to submit an after action report on how the program preformed against its stated goals.
How will the success of the program be measured?
What are the percentages of your students vs. community averages?
(ex. we hope to achieve 100% HS graduation vs. 78% in the local community or we hope to have 95% of our college students complete the current academic year vs 43% of their peers.)
Racial/Ethnic Population Served
Socio-Economic Demographic Served
Male/Female/Transgender population served by percentage
If the gender gap is larger than 50% please explain the reason. If applicable explain what you are doing to bridge the gender gap
How does the above population compare to the community at large in which your program operates?
Please verify that you are human
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