Potential Client Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please choose which one do you want to be contacted by
Does not matter
Business Information
Business Name
Business Website
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How long have you been in business?
What is your entity type: (Check One)
LLC Corporation
LLC- Single Member
S Corp
LLC Partnership
Do you file sales tax?
What core services do you offer?
Do you have any pain points right now?
List any specific problems in your business in relation to bookkeeping.
Social Media Handles
How can your business be found on Facebook?
How can your business be found on Instagram?
Other Handles:
Where else can your business be found on the internet? If none, put N/A
Financial Information
What are your financial goals for your business in the next 90 days?
What accounting software do you use?
What is your current monthly income?
How many bank accounts do you have?
Do you use credit cards for your business?
How do you organize receipts?
What payment system do you use to process payments?
Samcart, Quickbooks, Honeybook, etc.....
Do you have employees (if so, how many)?
If none, put N/A
How do you perform payroll?
Electronically or Manually
Do you have an accountant? Or someone that handles your tax filing?
Do you pay your taxes quarterly or year end ?
Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable
Do you need assistance with paying your bills?
Vendor Bill Pay, Collecting W-9s
Do you need assistance with receiving payments?
Invoicing for Clients and Services Track Outstanding Invoices
General Information
Tell me what you're looking for in a bookkeeper?
Do you think of a bookkeeper as a valuable team member in your business? If so, tell me how.
What other assistance are you needing with your business? Is there any additional information we need to know?
How did you hear about me and my bookkeeping services?
Do you know anyone else who can benefit from this service?
Do you need clean up work?
Yes, my books are a mess!
The investment to begin services with me starts at $697/month. Are you ready to start working with me?
Yes, I'm ready!
No, I'm not ready just yet.
No, I'm not interested.
Which service/services are you interested in?
Essentials Signature Service
Deluxe Signature Service
Bookkeeping Cleanup
Bookkeeping Catch Up
DIY Bookkeeping Intensive
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: