Please indicate the dates and times you are available to assist by clicking the relevant boxes . Teachers will advise you via phone should your assistance be required. This form is an indication of availability ONLY. Please note that all helpers MUST have a current Working With Children Check and provide the school with a copy of their Covid19 vaccination certificate.
Workshop #1 for students in FK (Miss Bell) will be held on Monday 6th December from 9.10am to 10.50am.
Workshop #2 will be held on Thursday 9th December from 9.10am until 10.50 am for FS (Miss Somerville) and half of FW (Ms Wilson) .
Workshop # 3 will be held on Thursday 9th December from 11.30am until 1.10pm for FB (Miss Bonte) and half of FW (Ms Wilson) NOTE: FW will be spread across the 2 workshop times. If you are only available for one workshop time, please indicate and you will be contacted to advise if your child is allocated to that workshop