Thank you for taking an interest in HiPe Kids!
Please fill in the application form to apply and attach your self-introductory video.
First Name
Last Name
Date of birth
Area code
Phone number
Languages spoken
If more than one answer, then separate the answers with a comma.
Country of residence
Who referred you?
Please enter full name
Teaching experience summary:
Please specify here your total teaching experience (months/years), online or/and offline with kids and/or adults.
Teaching certificates:
Please mention all international teaching certificates obtained (CELTA, DELTA, TESOL, TEFL, TKT etc.) and proficiency tests in English (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge tests etc.)
File attachments (video, diploma, certificates and evidence of no criminal record).
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Please attach here your self-introductory video, copies of your diploma and teaching certificates. IMPORTANT: Video should be shorter than 1 minute. Please do not include your class records. Max size of the file - 1 GB. Kindly note that applications without video or with incorrect video will not be considered.
Video URL
If you cannot upload your video file, please download it to Google drive and insert the link here. Please make sure that the sharing settings are “Anyone with the link can view”.
Please mention your superiors to contact from your previous jobs. Full name, company, position, email and/or phone number.
Please, familiarise yourself with the data processing agreement
Data processing agreement
I have read the document and agree to its terms
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