*Please note that the Centre Furnace Mansion will be closed December 24 - January 1. Tours will resume on January 22. Please excuse the inconvenience.
Thank you for scheduling a tour of the Centre Furnace Mansion, a beautiful 19th century ironmaster’s residence. The Mansion has been restored and is furnished to reflect the period of residency of ironmaster Moses Thompson and his family, 1842-1891. Through a guided tour, you will learn about the historical significance of Centre Furnace, the iron-making process and Victorian life through the Mansion's collections. Tours take roughly an hour and our last tour begins at 3:00 p.m.
Centre Furnace Mansion and surrounding grounds is on the National Register of Historic Places and represents a small portion of the late 18th-19th century ironmaking village once located here. The site includes the Centre Furnace Mansion, Furnace Stack, and surrounding eight acres of landscaped grounds with walkways and period inspired gardens. Its interpretation is based on historical documentation and archaeological research.
The Centre Furnace Mansion is owned and managed by the Centre County Historical Society, and serves as the Society's headquarters.