AOAC INTERNATIONAL (AOAC) is recruiting volunteer subject matter experts in gluten and food allergen methodologies and validation to serve as volunteer experts and method program peer reviewers in AOAC Performance Tested MethodSM and AOAC method programs: Official MethodsSM program. Experts in gluten and food allergen methodology and method validation are needed to review submitted candidate methods submitted to these programs for review leading to certification as Performance Tested MethodSM and/or adoption and publication in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Volunteers may also guide the development of and approval of validation testing protocols and study designs as part of the AOAC Consulting Service. Candidates responding to this call may be invited to participate in AOAC expert review panel (ERP) related activities. This role offers subject matter experts an opportunity to participate and lend your expertise and experience to the AOAC method programs. If you are a subject matter expert and are interested in volunteering on this AOAC ERP, please complete the application below.