All Vendors Must Adhere to the following Vendor Rules:
- Vendors Must be approved to participate
- Only approved products and services are allowed
- Shared Vendor Spaces are not allowed
- Load in and out guidelines are strictly enforced
- Vendor is responsible for maintaining neat and clean Vendor Booth/table
- Only approved signage is allowed
- No Nudity or Profanity allowed
- Loud Music not allowed
- Vendor Tables / Booths can not be left unattended
- Vendor must use assigned table
- Vendor must not leave vehicle(s) unattended during checking in
- Vendors may temporarily park in designated load in and load out during Staging (no long term parking for vendors will be permitted)*.
*vehicles left unattended for longer than 10 minutes may be towed at owner’s expense)
Please direct all questions to:
Yanell Baker 678-446-5622