Booneville Website General RFI Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I am interested in (Undergraduate):
Please Select
General Business
Business: Human Resources Management
Business: Finance
Business: Marketing
Business: Management Information System
Criminal Justice: Corrections
Criminal Justice: Homeland Security
Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement
Elementary Education
Multi-Disciplinary Studies (combining 3 minors)
Don’t know/not sure
I am interested in (Graduate):
Please Select
Educational Leadership (K-12 Administration)
Elementary Education Curriculum and Instruction (online)
Counselor Education (online)
Early Childhood Education (online)
Teaching (online)
Higher Education and Student Personnel (online)
Hospitality Management (online)
MBA (online)
Criminal Justice (online)
Integrated Marketing Communication (online)
Don’t know/not sure
Completed college hours:
Please Select
0-24 college hours completed
25-48 college hours completed
49-64 college hours completed
65+ college hours completed
Do you have any specific questions about the UM-Booneville campus that we could answer for you?
Should be Empty: