Due to the tremendous increase in dental insurance coverage and the varied types of insurance programs, our office will adhere to the following, concerning your insurance program.
1. Your program and insurance is between you and your insurance company. We will file and assist you in recovering the maximum benefits from your program. Extraordinary time spent and special requests from your company may incur administrative charges in handling your policy.
2. We will wait 30 days from the date of service for payment. After 30 days, your account will be charged 2% per month on the unpaid balance.
3. A schedule of your financial responsibility will be given to you. You will know your financial part of each appointment, including deductibles, co-payment and services not covered by your program. These must be paid at each appointment.
4. All insurance payments must be assigned to our office if we agree to wait on payment. Checks sent to you by your insurance company must be endorsed and sent to our office immediately. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a "Fee-for-Service" policy. You will be responsible for 100% of the cost of the appointment and your insurance company can then reimburse you for the services rendered.
5. You are responsible for all appointments scheduled for your minor/child.