I declare that:
1) I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (‘General Regulations’) and,
if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this Event as well as Motorsport UK COVID-19 Guidance for Events and
agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the Event and I am
competent to do so. I acknowledge the potential risks inherent with motor sport and accept that these risks may
give rise to my suffering personal injury or other loss.
1(a)) I am not, neither is any person connected with my entry nominated to attend the event currently experiencing
any symptoms of COVID-19 and have not done so for 10 days. I have not knowingly been in contact with anyone
showing symptoms within the last 10 days, except as a healthcare professional. If after submitting this form I, or
any person connected with my entry knowingly come into contact (except as a healthcare professional) with
someone with COVID-19 or if I, or any person connected with my entry start to exhibit any of the signs indicating
that they may be infected I will immediately withdraw from the Event together with all persons connected with my
entry, notify Motorsport UK and ensure that my close contacts also do not attend. Should I, or any person connected
with my entry become ill at or start to exhibit COVID-19 symptoms at the Event I shall withdraw safely and notify
the Secretary of the Meeting by telephone / SMS accordingly including identification of those others who I have
come into contact with at the Event. In addition, I confirm that the symptomatic person will as soon as practicable
contact the NHS for the purposes of test and trace. If I have knowingly contracted COVID-19 I declare that I have
been symptom free for at least 10 days and am physically fit to compete with no new medical problems that may
affect my ability to safely operate a motor vehicle in competition.
1(b)) I agree to abide by all Government and Motorsport UK requirements imposed in respect of COVID-19. I
understand that Motorsport UK Guidance on COVID-19 in relation to Events has Regulatory status and to the extent
applicable shall supersede the General Regulations by virtue of GR A.2.4. Breach of this obligation may lead to
being disqualified from the Event (C.2.5).
2) To the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for the Event to which
this entry relates and that the vehicle entered conforms to the Regulations of the Event. Where applicable the use
of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by law.
3) I agree that should I at the time of this Event be suffering from any disability whether permanent or temporary
which is likely to affect prejudicially my normal control of the vehicle, I may not take part unless I have declared
such disability to Motorsport UK which has, following such declaration, issued a licence which permits me to do so.
I undertake that at the time of the Event to which this entry relates I shall have passed or am exempt from an ASN
specified medical examination within the specified period. (H10.1.6)
4) If I am the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor of the driver I have countersigned the competitor licence application and
understand that I shall have the right to be present during any procedure being carried out under the Event
Supplementary Regulations and the General Regulations and that I have acquainted myself and the minor with
them, agree to pay any appropriate charges and fees pursuant to those Regulations and agree to be bound by and
submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from them (and any alteration thereof). Further, I
agree to pay as liquidated damages any fines imposed upon me up to the maxima set out in Part 3, Appendix 1.
Note: Where the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor will not be present the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor must advise the
organisers in advance, in writing, authorising their appointed representative to so act.
5) I hereby agree to abide by all applicable Motorsport UK Policies and Guidelines including but not exclusively
Safeguarding and Anti Alcohol and Drugs policies and the National Sporting Code of Conduct.
6) I have read and shall respect the regulations for Control of Drugs and Alcohol as contained in the General
Regulations C1.1.7, D35.1, G15.1.4, H38 and have also fully familiarised myself with the information on the web
sites referred to (www.motorsportuk.org, www.ukad.org.uk and www.wada-ama.org) in particular the UK AntiDoping Rules which have been adopted by Motorsport UK. Further, if I am counter-signing as the parent or
Guardian of a minor then in addition to the deemed consent to the testing of that minor (UK Anti-Doping Rule
5.7.2) I hereby confirm that I give such consent for the minor concerned to be so tested.
7) I understand and agree that my personal data, and that of the persons connected to my entry are being
processed solely for the purposes of running this Event and may be used for the purposes of COVID-19 infection
tracing, and will be handled by the organisers in accordance with Motorsport UK data protection policy:
8) I confirm I will bring all required documentation, licences etc., to the Event as usual and I understand that spot
checks will be made with regard to documentation and technical checks.
Indemnity: In consideration of the acceptance of this entry I agree that neither any one of or any combination of
Motorsport UK and its associated clubs, the organisers, the track owners or other occupiers, the promoters and their
respective officers, servants, representatives and agents (the “Parties”) shall have any liability for loss or damage
which may be sustained or incurred by me as a result of participation in the Event including but not limited to
damage to property, economic loss, consequential loss or financial loss howsoever caused. Nothing in this clause is
intended to or shall be deemed to exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury. To the fullest extent
permitted by law I agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Parties in respect of any loss or damage
whatsoever and howsoever arising from my participation in this Event.