The intention of Zion Christian Academy is to motivate all students to develop a sense of accountability and to discourage negative behavior. Any student who repeatedly violates the standards of behavior, to which all students are held accountable, will receive disciplinary consequences. Discipline will be handled as in a manner according to the procedures listed in the next section.
Zion Christian Academy desires that each student honor Christ in all actions, words and activities 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year.
To ensure an appropriate Christian school environment, and to reinforce the Christian values of the home, students, and parents of ZCA support the following Honor Code:
- Students are always to exhibit respect towards teachers and faculty. Talking
- back, foul or abusive/disrespectful language* or gestures are not permitted.
- Students are expected to recognize the dignity and importance of each person
- by respecting others’ feelings, property, and rights.
- Pushing and shoving in line, cheating, stealing, verbal abuse, name calling, and unacceptable physical contact such as fighting, scuffling, tripping, shoving, and unacceptable games are not permitted.
- Students are expected to properly care for all school property. Defacing school property is not permitted. Students and parents are financially accountable for repair or replacement of any damaged property.
- Students are to conduct themselves in a respectful manner in the school building before and after school and while changing classes.
- Students are given a supervised lunch/recess period daily. This time is not only for rest and relaxation, but for maintaining and developing proper table manners and acceptable social behavior in the lunchroom. Conversing quietly is acceptable.
- Rude behavior, such as shouting, food throwing, or destroying another’s lunch will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action will result.
- “Bullying” is inappropriate aggressive, harassing, or abusive behavior. Cyber bullying is any use of social media as a platform for such behavior. Bullying, including cyber bullying, could include, without limitation, actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally (whether directly or indirectly), and intentionally excluding someone from a group for an improper purpose.
- “Racist behavior” is actions or words, verbal or nonverbal, that demonstrate prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism based on race. This includes, without limitation, any racial slur, symbol, gesture, etc.
- All homework assignments are expected to be neat, satisfactory, and completed on time.
- Students are expected to take an active role in helping create a positive classroom experience for all. Students are called upon to assist teachers in establishing classroom rules and standards.
- Students are expected to abide by the dress code as detailed in this handbook.
- Students are always to conduct themselves as responsible Christian citizens. Each student is a personal representative of Zion Christian Academy and is expected to produce a positive image both at school and in public.
*Disrespectful language is described as:
- Talking about inappropriate things or using innuendoes
- Swearing or Cursing
- Mature/immature discussion that is not typical of their age
- Using variations of inappropriate words or phrases (ie. “fricking”, “effing”, etc.)
Honor Code Violations
Zion Christian Academy desires that each student strives to honor Christ in actions, words, and activities at all times, whether in their public or private lives. Violations of the Zion Christian Academy Honor Code will result in specified consequences.
Consequences will be reviewed and differentiated based upon the nature and impact of each individual offense. Throughout the discipline process, it is always Zion Christian Academy’s desire to administer reconciliation and restoration to whatever extent is possible.
Students in grades K-4 who violate the Zion Christian Academy Honor Code will receive the following consequences. Each teacher will communicate their specific classroom policy at the beginning of the school year.
Step 1 The teacher talks with the student and gives appropriate guidance and
Consequences according to their specific classroom policy.
Step 2 If change and growth is not evident, the teacher will contact the parents.
Step 3 If additional need for guidance is evident, the teacher
parents/guardians, director, and student will meet. An appropriate plan
will be outlined by all and placed in the student’s file.
Step 4 The student may be removed from the classroom if improvement is not
evident. This means the student does assigned work at school, away
from the class under supervision. Length of this special arrangement will
be determined by the faculty and director.
Step 5 Dismissal from Zion Christian Academy may occur if improvement in
student behavior is insufficient, or if parents are not supportive of the
school’s guidance plan. The school reserves the right to dismiss any
student whose conduct is harmful to others and whose behavior is not
manageable by the staff.
A Demerit Policy has been implemented in grades 5-8 for students who violate the Zion Christian Academy Honor Code.
- Each demerit will result in a student losing all free time during the school day.
- Accumulation of eight (8) demerits in one quarter will result in in-school detention
- In-school detention: Student will be given an in-school detention assignment. In-school detention does not take the place of a student’s regular assignments and he/she will still be responsible for completing his/her regular class assignments for that day.
- Persistent accumulation of demerits will result in further actions which could include loss of field trips and/or expulsion.
The following violations (K-8) may result in immediate dismissal:
- Using Inappropriate language
- Persistent disobedience or aggression
- Leaving school grounds during school hours without permission
- Fighting or striking school personnel or other students
- Vandalism of school or church property
- Tampering with the fire alarm
- Possession of weapons