All children enrolling at our school deserve a smooth transition that enables them to become part of our school with a minimum of disruption and maximum support.
To provide an efficient process of enrolment that satisfies the needs of both students and the school.
Students enrolling at our school as part of a prep intake will be required to provide proof of age (indicating that they have turned 5 years of age by the 30th April of that year) and an immunisation certificate. Due to Mount Eliza North Primary School being formally capped at 650 students in 2013 by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, we will follow the departmental guidelines issued to us as
In order of priority: 1. Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school. 2. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time. 3. Where the Regional Director has restricted enrolment, students who reside nearest the school.
4.Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds. 5.All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school. 6.In exceptional circumstances, compassionate grounds.
After following the above criteria all intentions to enrol will be notified. Parents will be sent a formal enrolment form that needs to be returned to secure their child's place. The child will then be invited to attend a transition
Information regarding the enrolment of overseas students can be obtained from the International Studies Unit (03) 9637 2202. Students with Disabilities and Impairments will be enrolled along with all other eligible children. Concerns relating to resourcing levels are in themselves insufficient grounds for delayed admission. Delayed admissions can only be authorised by the Regional Director. All enrolments will require the completion of the Dept of Education 'Confidential Student Information Enrolment Form', with details entered immediately on CASES. Students wishing to enrol at Mount Eliza North Primary School from a neighbouring school will be able to do so on the condition that the enrolment does not exceed our cap, it is the commencement of the school year or the commencement of term 3, or if the principal of the previous school is in agreement with the transfer, or if there has been a change of address that places the student within the designated neighbourhood boundary, or if the student seeking enrolment is from a non-government school. We will contact principals of previous schools of all students seeking transfers to discuss the circumstances of the transfer, to seek a transfer note or an immunisation certificate (if enrolling), and to discuss any academic or behavioural matters. The principal has the authority to defer admission in order that enquiries of the previous school are carried out in the interests of the student. Students will be allocated to classes according to a combination of class size and student need.
This policy will be reviewed as part of the school's three year review cycle.
6 Moseley Drive Mount Eliza 3930 Phone: 03 9787 6611 Email: Web: