Burtonsville Family Health, LLC (BFH). will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received—however, we cannot guarantee the security of email communication. Thus, patients must consent to the use of email for patient information, billing, and communication. Consent to use email includes agreement with the following conditions:
• Emails to or from the patient concerning treatment may be printed in full and made part of the patient’s medical record. Because they are part of the medical record, authorized individuals will have access the medical record/email (e.g. billing staff).
• Our office may forward emails internally to those involved, as necessary, for healthcare operations and other handling. Our therapists will not forward emails to independent third parties without the patient’s prior written consent, except as authorized or required by law.
• Although our office will endeavor to read and respond promptly to all emails from the patient, it is not guarantee that any particular email will be read and responded to within any particular period of time. The patient should not use email for medical emergencies or other time‐ sensitive matters.
• If the patient’s email invites a response from the therapist and a response is not received within a reasonable time period, it is the patient’s responsibility to follow up.
Burtonsville Family Health, LLC will not be held responsible for information loss due to technical failures associated with the patient’s email software or internet service provider.