Prior to fostering or adopting from Fresh Start all of your pets in your household must be spayed/neutered, vaccinated and licensed. Fresh Start is not responsible for any injury or damage caused to your house, property, pet or persons while you have one of our animals in your care. We are trusting you, as the foster, to appropiately handle situations that may occur while our animal is in your care.
Our animals will be vetted prior to entering your home. Some animals may be on a course of deworming medications or may be too sick to recieve their vaccines. If this is the case with the animal you intend to foster you must be able to adequately keep them seperated from your pet(s) for the duration of their treatment. We are not responsible for any vetting needed to your personal pet. As a fosterer you run the risk of cross contamination and that is why we ask you keep them seperated until our pet is medically cleared. This is uncommon and most animals going to foster will be fully vetted but we like to keep an open line of communication with our fosters and lay out all possible senarios.
If anything should happen to our animal in your care (illness, injury, death, etc.) we will cover the costs of taking care of our animal BUT they MUST be taken to our vet for treatment.