Prologue collects information from you for the primary purpose of providing quality care. Providing us with your personal details and medical history allows us to properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care needs.
Prologue will use the information you provide in the following ways:
- Administrative purposes in the running of our medical practice.
- Billing purposes, including compliance with Medicare and Health Insurance Commission requirements
- If permitted by you, update any other health professionals involved in your health care on your progress and our plan. Prologue will make sure that your personal details will remain confidential in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
By signing below, you agree that:
- You are happy for your treating Prologue team to discuss your medical history, diagnosis, and management plan with your referring doctor and any other relevant medical specialists as required
- You understand you are welcome to access your medical records at Prologue
- You are responsible for and understand the fees associated with your care
- The information you have supplied is accurate
If your information is to be used for any purpose other than the above, your consent will be sought.