First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Anyone else who should be included on this interview? If yes, put their name here
First Name
Last Name
When did you join Vodyssey? (rough date)
When did you acquire your property? (rough date or exact date of offer accepted or closing)
How many offers did you make before this one was accepted?
What is the name of your property?
Property details (type of property, acquisition price, bedrooms/baths, etc)
Is your property currently live? If so, when did your listing go live?
Can you link to a property listing or OTA listing of your property here?
What sort of results did you get in the first 3 months after listing?
What sort of revenue do you have (actual or projected) for Year 1?
Questions about your journey
What type of financing did you use?
How did you choose your area?
What challenges came up for you as you've been on this journey? What was the hardest or the most unexpected part?
How were you able to use the tools/resources/group we provide to overcome these?
What was the most helpful part of the tools/resources/group to you?
What have you learned from your experience acquiring this property that would be helpful for others to hear?
If you could go back to the very beginning, what advice would you give yourself before starting this journey?
Case Study - can we use your story as a case study report for our marketing purposes?
If you say yes, you can choose to let us use your real name and pictures, etc, or ask us to use a pseudonym so it's more random/private. Keep in mind, if we go the pseudonym route and you do the podcast, folks will likely be able to put two and two together, but only folks who are interested enough to listen through the podcast AND read the case study. We appreciate you letting us share your story!
Yes, use my story! Scott can contact me for pictures, numbers, details
No thanks, just the podcast please!
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