Fostering Application
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
How long have you lived at your current address?
Phone Number
# of people in household and their ages
How many hours are you away from home each day?
Date available to begin fostering *
Maximum length of time you'd foster for if needed
If you are a student, can you foster in summer too?
Have you ever fostered a cat before?
Does your building allow pets?
Please list all pets you have currently with their ages and if they are spayed/neutered
How many cats are you able to foster at once?
Where will the foster cat be most of the time?
Free roam of house/integrated with pets
In a spare room for fosters
Free roam of home (only pet)
We ask that you supply cat food and litter while fostering. Please retain your receipts and a tax receipt will be issued to you. If this is not possible, please explain circumstances
What type of cat food do you intend to feed the foster cat?
Rescued cats are all different and some require extra care. Please check which options you are able to help with
Administering medicines
Socializing semi-feral/ shy cats
Socialized, healthy fosters only
All of the above
Because we are not a shelter, it takes time to re-home our foster cats and we require 2 weeks notice if you need to have a foster cat moved. This is an agreed term of the HCRS foster program
The applicant agrees that the person named on this form assumes sole responsibility for the fostered cat. Any other people (roommates, cat sitters, etc) must be approved by HCRS and HCRS must be made aware of any changes to foster persons
Yes, I understand
No, I do not agree with this
I have read over the HCRS foster protocol sheet and the foster care agreement before filling out this application
Yes, I have read them
No, I have not read them
PLEASE NOTE: Any decisions on the transfer or vetting of an HCRS foster cat MUST be approved and coordinated with an HCRS volunteer. Please check that you agree and will abide by this
Yes, I understand
PLEASE NOTE: HCRS foster cats, under no circumstances are allowed outdoors, even if on a leash. Please click below that you agree and will abide by this
Yes, I understand
PLEASE NOTE: Any photos taken of forever foster cats in your care and displayed on any media platforms are the property of HCRS to use as we see fit.
Yes, I understand
PLEASE NOTE: HCRS has sole discretion over the adoption of each foster cat.
Yes, I understand
Please explain why you'd like to foster a cat at this time, and provide additional comments if you wish
Thank you very much for your application. HCRS volunteers will review the application and respond within a few days. Please check your junk/spam folder. We truly appreciate your offer to open your home to a rescued cat!
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