I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the animal(s) for which I provide foster care are kept safe
and secure and provided with the requirements for their daily care and well-being. In some situations, home checks may be required prior to final approval.
I fully understand that these animals are in my care on a temporary basis only, belong to the L.A. Animal Shelter, and can be brought back to the LA Animal Shelter if for any reason the animal is not a good match for the foster family. I further understand that the purpose of this foster care arrangement is solely to provide care for this animal and that any decisions regarding the animal's health, treatment, or final disposition must be made or authorized by the Shelter Manager. I also agree that when the animal is ready to be made available for adoption, I will return it to the L.A. Animal Shelter.
I understand that the L.A. Animal Shelter cannot guarantee the health of the animal(s) that are fostered out and release the L.A. Animal Shelter from any responsibilities or claims that may arise from my own animal’s exposure to them.
I hereby give the L.A. Animal Shelter authority to obtain a copy of my pet’s medical records from my veterinarian.