Maternity Session Questionnaire
Congratulations!! Before our session, I would love to get to know you and your family better. Please tell me a little bit about yourselves.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Who will be included in your photography session? Please include names. If you have any children, can you also include their ages? Are there any special needs/ personality characteristics that I should know about?
If you and your partner/spouse have different last names, how do you prefer to be called as a family? (ie Slagter-Leinberger family, Slagter family, etc.)
Have there been any complications during your pregnancy that I need to know about during the photo session?
Are there any props you plan to bring to your session? (ie a special blanket or lovie/stuffed animal, a sonogram photo, baby shoes, a onesie, etc)
Do you have a vision for the session? What does it look like?
When you look back at these photos, what are three words to describe how you want to feel?
What worries do you have about your photo session?
Give me one song that is meaningful to you. I'd also love to know why if you're comfortable sharing.
What would you like your photos to show about you and/or your family?
If there was just one photo you HAD to have, what would that photo look like?
How would you describe your clothing style? (Ex. boho, professional, casual etc.) What do you like to wear?
Have you ever worked with a professional photographer?
Is there anything else you would like to share or you think would be helpful for me to know before your session?
Let's Do This!
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