I consent to outpatient gynecologic care and treatment by Katherine O’Brien MS, CNM at Woman Wise Integrative Gynecology, LLC. I understand she has a masters degree as an Advanced Practice Nurse. Her area of focus is Miwifery, which at Woman Wise Integrative Gynecology, LLC will only include gynecologic services. She will not provide prenatal, delivery, or postpartum care. She is not a medical doctor and will let me know when something is beyond her level of expertise and I need to seek care elsewhere. I understand that I am advised to maintain a relationship with a primary care provider, who is not Katherine O'Brien MS, CNM, for my general health care. I understand that Katherine O'Brien MS, CNM does not provide emergency care or treat any type of breast or gynecologic cancer.
I am aware that gynecology and lifestyle medicine approaches to common gynecologic problems are not an exact science and that no guarantees have been made regarding the results of treatment. I agree to participate in an active manner, monitor my progress, and report any concerns to Katherine O'Brien MS, CNM. I also understand that any significant symptoms should be reported to my doctor.