Travelling Exhibit Inquiry
Name of Your Museum
First Name
Last Name
Does your museum have a budget to rent travelling exhibits?
Possibly (please specify)
Which of the following topics would be of interest to you and your community?
Resilience: The Internment of Japanese Canadians
Working the Green Chain: Sikhs and the Lumber Industry
The Korean War
Make Do and Mend: WWI or WWII
The WWII Home Front in BC
A Man’s World: The Edwardian Era
A Woman’s World: The Edwardian Era
Pioneer Medicine
Vintage Toy Trucks
Vintage Board Games
History Through the Eyes of Dolls
Women in the BC Gold Rushes
The Royal Engineers
Deconstructed: The History Within Everyday Objects
Water BC (history of dams, watersheds, travel routes and conservation)
Other (Please specify)
How long would you ideally like to rent an exhibit for?
1 Month
3 Months
6 Months
Other (please specify)
If used for educational programming, which of the following scenarios would you prefer?
An exhibit that includes programming options
Programming to be developed by your institution
Both of the above
How much space does your institution have to display a travelling exhibit?
500 square feet or less
501-1,000 square feet
1,001-2,500 square feet
2,501-5,000 square feet
5,001-10,000 square feet
How far in advance do you plan for exhibits?
6 months - 1 year
1 year - 2 years
Other (Please specify)
If you have questions or would like to contact us for further discussion, please contact Tannis at
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