Foster Application
Misty Eyes Animal Center
First Name
Last Name
Primary Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Secondary Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Work Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
May we call you at work?
Emergencies only
Not applicable
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Please provide the NAMES AND AGES OF ALL RESIDENTS of your home, including yourself:
Why do you have interest in becoming a foster family?
How many cats do you currently have?
How many dogs do you currently have?
Are all of your pets spayed or neutered?
Yes, they are.
No, they are not.
Some of them are, but not all.
Other than dogs and cats, please list any other animals you have.
Veterinarian's Name (if you have personal pets)
First Name
Last Name
Veterinarian's Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Zip Code
Veterinarian's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I have cared for (check all that apply)
Senior Dogs
Senior Cats
Untrained Dogs
Injured Dogs/Cats
Pregnant Dog or Cat
Where will foster animals spend the majority of their time?
Are you able to separate the foster animal(s) from your personal animal(s) if the need arises?
Which best describes your living situation?
Rent an apartment
Rent a home
Own a home
Rent Condo/Townhome
Own Condo/Townhome
If you are a renter, please provide the name of your property management company/landlord and their phone number.
Who will be the primary care taker of this animal?
How many hours daily will foster pets be home alone?
Are all members of your household aware and supportive of your interest to foster?
If you do not have children residing in your home, do you have children that visit regularly?
If you answered yes, what are their ages?
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Yes, 6' privacy fence.
Yes, 4' privacy fence.
Yes, 6' chain link fence.
Yes, 4' chain link fence.
Yes, underground fence.
No, I do not have a fence.
Are there any factors that may limit your ability to foster, or do you have any concerns about fostering?
Do you agree to allow a representative from Misty Eyes visit your home?
Please indicate what kind of dogs you are willing to foster (check all that apply).
Small (up to 20lbs)
Medium (21-40lbs)
Large (41lbs - 80lbs)
Giant (81lbs or more)
Infants (under 8 weeks)
Puppies (8 weeks - 6 months)
Juveniles (6 months - 1 year)
Adults (1 year - 5 years)
Seniors (5 years and up)
Special Needs (examples: heartworm treatments, surgery recovery, blind, deaf)
Pregnant (through pregnancy and puppy whelping)
Please indicate what types of cats you are willing to foster (check all that apply).
Infant (under 6 weeks)
Special Needs (examples: surgery recovery, blind, deaf)
Pregnant (through pregnancy and nursing of kittens)
Have you ever fostered an animal before?
If you have, when and for what organization?
I have answered the above questions truthfully and understand that intentional false statements will void this application. I have never been charged with or convicted of animal cruelty. Misty Eyes reserves the right to inspect all foster homes at any time and, if necessary, remove animals from homes deemed to be unsatisfactory. Misty Eyes also reserves control and guardianship of foster animal(s) at all times.
I agree to keep the pet indefinitely. We cannot guarantee how long you will be asked to foster a pet. Sometimes pets are adopted in a week, and sometimes it takes many months. Foster families should not enter into fostering with an expectation that a pet will be gone in a certain period of time. The length of time it takes a foster a pet to be adopted is often directly related to the amount of energy the foster family puts into training the pet, socializing the pet, and having them at the Adoption Center to promote adoption of the pet.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
I agree to provide a good temporary home for the pet. Provide adequate food, water, shelter, and kind treatment for the animal(s) at all times. Foster families are expected to provide a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for their foster pet(s). Our foster dogs should be indoor dogs, and should be exercised and socialized in such a way as to create a positive, well-tempered dog. Foster cats are always to be indoor cats for their safety. Both cats and dogs should be fed healthy food, which will be provided to you, and given appropriate access to water.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
I agree to work with Misty Eyes for medical treatment of the foster pet. Misty Eyes will pay for the medical care of the pet during the time it is being fostered, to include routine check-ups, spaying/neutering, vaccinations, microchip insertion, treatment of routine illnesses and treatment of emergencies should they arise. In order to control expenses, however, the foster family must utilize a veterinarian provided by Misty Eyes and will notify appropriate Misty Eyes personnel prior to any medical treatment for the pet to ensure finances and treatment options are appropriately aligned.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Misty Eyes will supply the foster family with food and supplies during the period of fostering. Out-of-pocket costs may be reimbursed if necessary supplies are not available and authorization is granted in advance.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
From time to time, Misty Eyes will have events and other activities which promote the adoption of your foster pet(s). These may include adoption days where pets are brought out for public viewing, displays on websites, fund raisers, etc. Foster families are expected to work with Misty Eyes to have the pet(s) at some of these events. Foster families will be asked periodically to bring foster pets to the Adoption Center during open hours to meet the public. We will work with you to schedule and help in any way we can.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Misty Eyes regularly receives applications for pets in our foster homes, and we have a centralized process for screening those applications. If an applicant is interested in a foster pet and has passed the initial screening, the foster family will be notified, and our adoption team will conduct the appropriate meet and greets, along with home visits (if deemed necessary). Adoptions are handled by Misty Eyes adoption team members, and the foster family will be informed about the adoptive family. If you have a friend, family member, neighbor or acquaintance who may be interested in adopting the pet, please direct them to complete an online adoption application to start the approval process. We always welcome the foster family’s recommendations, if they know the potential adopter.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Treat the pets as if they were your own. The foster family is expected to be able to handle routine care and situations with the pet. As a foster family, you should operate within the fostering guidelines set forth by Misty Eyes, and while you do not own the pet, you should treat the pet as if it were yours.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Foster families are expected to provide regular updates on the status and progress of the foster pet(s), and to inform us immediately of any health issues or behavior problems. Misty Eyes reserves the exclusive right to determine the proper course of action to take upon such notification.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Foster families must NEVER turn over their foster pet to anyone not connected with Misty Eyes without the prior consent of Misty Eyes Animal Operations leadership.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Foster families must not allow their dog(s) off-leash outside of an enclosed area at any time.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Foster families must ensure that the dog is wearing a Martingale collar with a Misty Eyes tag. Foster families must never replace the Misty Eyes tag with one that only has the foster family information on it.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Work on basic obedience commands and house manners. Foster dogs will be adopted more quickly and will stay in their new homes once adopted if they know some basic commands such as sit, come, down, leave it and stay. While we don't expect fosters to be trainers, some dogs need additional help. Misty Eyes will arrange basic obedience training for foster dogs on request, should the need arise.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Notify us immediately if you would like to adopt your foster pet. Once external applications have been received and processing has begun, the foster family cannot be given preference.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
Misty Eyes has a private Facebook page for foster families to share information, photos, suggestions and all things foster-related. Many of our foster families post photos on this page. Do you agree to allow Misty Eyes to use these photos in marketing materials? (Please note, we will never use photos with children without additional written consent.)
I have read the above, and I agree.
I would prefer you don't.
Liability Release and Waiver: I, the undersigned, understand that my participation with Misty Eyes is strictly on a volunteer foster basis. I understand that there are inherent risks associated with my fostering activities, including the risk of personal injury resulting from animal bites and other animal behavior. I hereby release Misty Eyes, including its officers, agents and employees, from any and all claims of liability of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to claims of negligence and/or injury to me arising out of my participation in the Misty Eyes fostering program. I understand that by signing below, I am waiving any and all claims against Misty Eyes, its officers, agents and employees of any kind whatsoever arising from the taking of custody of the animal by Misty Eyes, including but not limited to claims of negligence, veterinary malpractice, conversion, breach of contract and/or personal injury. I also expressly warrant and represent that no other person, including my spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, family member, child or domestic partner, has any ownership rights or interests of any kind in the animal; and that I have sole right and exclusive authority to place the animal in the custody of Misty Eyes under the terms of this Agreement. As further consideration for Misty Eyes agreement to take custody of the animal, I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Misty Eyes, including its officers, agents, and employees, including veterinary staff, from any claims or demands by anyone who may assert ownership rights or an interest in the animal.
I have read the above, and I agree.
I do not agree.
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