Welcome to the “Visual route communication” user study!
We are grateful for the participation and highly appreciate your interest in this study!
IMPORTANT: Please, do not use a smartphone to complete the study, graphical representations on smartphones are distorted and inappropriate, use a computer or a tablet.
The goal of the study: explore the routing choice of map users in specific situations.
Procedure of the study: you will be asked to do two kinds of tasks and to answer 5 general questions. Altogether, the survey will take around 5-10 minutes.
Participation in this study is not remunerated.
Voluntariness and anonymity/data protection:
The Participation is voluntary and you can drop your participation in this study anytime, without providing reasons, without incurring any inconveniences.
The collected data for this study do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.
The collection of your personal data is completely anonymous. Your name is not requested in the study and it is not possible for anyone to link your data to your name. The anonymous data will be stored for at least 10 years.