Diocese of Fresno (DOF) and all Entities of the Diocese of Fresno: Permission for a Minor to Participate in a DOF Activities, Release of Liability, and Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment
Parent / Guardian: In order for your child to attend and/or participate in DOF sponsored events, activities, or sports during this calendar year, you must give your signed permission by completing this NNUALform. In addition to this form, you will also be required to sign permission PR21 Event Forms for your child to participate in specific DOF sponsored events, activities, and sports conducted off parish grounds.
I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, voluntarily wish to give permission for and request that my child be allowed to attend and participate in DOFsponsored events and activities during this calendar year including those conducted off parish grounds. My child is physically fit and capable of participating in DOF events and activities. I have informed my child to cooperate and conform to the rules, guidelines, and instructions given by DOF personnel or agents, or chaperones, or responsible for DOF events and activities. If requested, I will sign permission and release PR20 Form for each specific event or activity conducted off DOF grounds. I reserve the right to disallow my child to participate in DOF sponsored events by notifying the leader in writing.
I understand that participation in this activity involves some risk (including any travel to and from this activity) and that unforeseen occurrences can arise. I am informed and agree that transportation if involved, may be provided by volunteers, parents, private individuals, or approved commercial operators who are believed to be reliable and insured, but are not under the supervision or control of the Diocese of Fresno.
In exchange for permitting my child to participate in this voluntary activity, I waive and give up all claims (and the right to file a lawsuit) which I or my child (and our successors, heirs, and assigns) may have against DOF. I release and discharge the DOF from all liability or responsibility for death, illness, personal injury, or property damage arising out of DOF activity and any transportation involved with the DOF activities.
In the event of an emergency and if the DOFis unable to contact me, I authorize the DOF personal or other adult leadership of a parish sponsored event or activity, at my expense, to secure and consent to x-ray examination, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis, treatment, and hospital care advised and supervised by a duly licensed physician, surgeon, or dentist. I expect to be contacted as soon as possible. I agree that if emergency medical or dental services are required for my child, the DOF will not be responsible to pay for any medical or dental expenses. A copy or digital image of this form shall be valid as the original and may be given to the adult leader of parish sponsored activities.
This permission, waiver, release, and consent applies to the DOF named, including but not limited to the Diocese of Fresno Education Corporation; the Roman Catholic Bishop of Fresno (a corporate sole); the Diocese of Fresno; other Fresno Diocesan Parishes and Schools; affiliated organizations and officers; clergy; agents; and employees.
This waiver and release form is signed in order for my child to participate in the DOF sponsored events and activities for my child’s own personal enjoyment and benefit and is done so freely with the knowledge of the risk and dangers that are or may be involved.
I authorize any hospital which has provided treatment to the named participant pursuant to the provisions of Family code section 6910 to surrender physical custody of such minor to the DOF representative upon the completion of treatment. This authorization is given pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1283.
I, the undersigned, have read this release and understand all of its terms. I request that my child be allowed to participate in DOF sponsored events and activities. I execute this form voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. I have discussed the above with my child, and my child is aware of and understands the importance of following all rules set out for these events, activities, or sports. A copy or digital image of this form shall be as valid as the original authorization may be given to the adult leader of the events, activities, or sports.