1. Communication preference: Preferred method of communication for all information, including, if
applicable, application, tenancy, maintenance related issues and notices. This will apply to all applicants
and any guarantors during the application process and, if confirmed, the tenancy. Tick one box only. Postal
correspondence will lead to longer response and processing times.
2. We provide three types of viewing:
Pre-recorded - photos and, where available, video as already sent to you in response to your initial enquiry.
Live virtual – a video call with one of our team who is at the property to show you around from the comfort
of wherever you are (!) and to answer any questions. By appointment only.
In-person – one of our team meets you at the property for you to look around. In-person viewings are by
appointment only and strictly limited to only those who will sign the tenancy agreement. Please consider if
all those who will sign the agreement need to view the property or if one person can view on behalf of all.
For non-HMO properties only, you may choose to proceed to application stage in the basis of
photos AND video (i.e. no live viewing). If you have selected this option but a video is not yet available
it will be sent to you, once available, and before we proceed to application stage. If the property is an
HMO we require you to undertake a live viewing before we will proceed to application stage.
3. Start date: No tenancy is guaranteed until a lease is signed. Any preferred start date cannot be guaranteed.
The start date is confirmed on signing of the lease. A lease will not be signed until pre tenancy checks,
including credit and reference checks, and payment(s) have been completed to our satisfaction.
Expected duration: this is your best estimate based on your current circumstances. This is not a
commitment from you to stay at the property for that period of time or from the landlord to let the property
for that period of time. The tenancy will be a private residential tenancy (PRT) and there is no fixed term.
4. Payment of rent in advance and tenancy deposit will be required before the tenancy begins.
Providing you meet our affordability criteria (see note 7) rent in advance will be calculated as follows:
If you are moving in after the 1st and by the 24th of the month, you will be required to pay the first month’s
rent pro rata (tenancy start date to last day of month).
If you’re moving in after the 24th of the month (and before the 1st of the following month) you will be
required to pay the first month’s rent pro rata plus the following month’s rent in full.
The tenancy deposit will be payable at the point of submitting an application. Rent in advance will be
payable before the tenancy is signed. These sums are refunded if a tenancy does not proceed. During the
tenancy, rent will be payable monthly in advance payment and must clear our account by no later than the
1st of each month. This date is fixed throughout the tenancy and does not change (for example if your job
changes and salary payment date changes, your rent due date does not change).
5. Employment status declared must be as it is expected to be at the start of the tenancy. For
example, if your current employment is ending do not declare this employment. If new employment is
confirmed (not a conditional offer e.g. pending pre employment checks) then declare this employment. If
your employment status changes during the application process you must inform us in writing (email).
6. References will be requested direct from landlord/employer if application stage is reached.
7. All applicants and any guarantors must provide proof of identification, income, and current
address. If we agree to proceed to the application stage, in addition to referees (see point 5) you will be
asked to provide documentation to support your application, including photographic identification (such as
full driving license, passport or other suitable photographic ID), proof of address (e.g. Council Tax,
mortgage statement, utility bill), bank statement and proof of income (e.g. latest wage slips, DWP letter,
and for self employed applicants, SA302s and tax overviews (
If you are on furlough and have not received information about return to work not this on the form and
include your salary as is currently being paid. If you have received written confirmation, including start
date, of return to work, not this on the form and include what your salary will be on return and date this will
apply from (as per the written confirmation you have received). We will only consider income for our
affordability checks where we are satisfied with the evidence provided. Our decision is final.
8. If combined income of all applicants is not equal to or more than 30 times monthly rent (e.g. £30,000 or
more for monthly rent of £1000) then we may consider an application providing you can meet some or all
of our additional requirements (whether it is some or all will be on a case-by-case basis). This could
include: a UK-based guarantor; additional rent in advance (not more than 6 months in total); additional
tenancy deposit (not more than the equivalent of 2 months’ rent).
Guarantors will also have to meet income criteria of 36 x monthly rent, be able to evidence this and be
willing to undergo identification, credit and reference checks. Where there are multiple guarantors we may
proceed where we are satisfied with the collective position of all guarantors (e.g. lower annual income for
or one or more guarantor but combined income meets our criteria).