I understand that I may revoke this authorization al any time by giving written notice to the Privacy Officer at your office. However, I understand that I may not revoke this authorization for any actions taken before receipt of my written notice to revoke this authorization. in addition, I understand that il I am giving this authorization as a condition of obtaining insurance coverage, and I revoke this authorization, the insurance company has a right to contest my claims under the insurance policy.
I understand that under most circumstances a healthcare provider may not condition treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on my signing this authorization. However, I understand that signing an authorization that permits the use and/or disclosure of my protected health information for research purposes may be a condition of my treatment if I am undergoing research-related treatment. Also, I may be required to sign an authorization if my treatment is provided solely for the purpose of creating protected health information for disclosure to a third party. And under some circumstances, a health plan may condition my enrollment in a health plan or my eligibility for benefits on my providing an authorization permitting the health plan to make enrollment and eligibility determinations.
I have had the chance to read and think about the content of this authorization form and I agree with all statements made in this authorization. I understand that, by signing this form, I am confirming my authorization for use and/or disclosure of the protected health information described in this form with the people and/or organizations named in this form.