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I,First Name Last Name, the parent of student First Name Last Namegive permission for my sondaughter to be photographed while at CAAST.I understand that these photographs may be used in different types of promotional materials, including but not limited to, internet brochures, pamphlets, flyers, etc. I allow promotional use. I do not allow promotional use. Parent's Signature: Signature:* _________________ Date: Date*
I,First Name Last Name , the parent of the student, First Name Last Name , give my permission to the School Nurse or the authorized designated person at CAAST, to administer emergency medical treatment as needed by the student while at school. I understand that CAAST will not be held liable for any injury incurred while administering care to the student, since this is done to save the student from injury considered to be worse.The CAAST personnel will contact the public emergency services at 9-1-1, if the service is deemed necessary. Any such service will be billed to the parent and not to CAAST.The CAAST personnel will contact one of the persons named below, and let him/her know of the situation. Once contact has been made, nobody else will be contacted. Please list in the order of contact. Person(s) to notify: 1) First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone NumberRelation to student: Relationship 2) First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone Number Relation to student: Relationship 3) First Name Last Name Phone: Area Code Phone Number Relation to student: Relaationship Parent's Signature: Signature* Date*
I, First Name* Last Name* , a student of CAAST understand and commit to the appropriate actions to conform with/to the following:
By signing below, my parent and I agree with and will abide by all of the above mentioned.Signature of Student: Signature* Date: Date* Signature of Parent: Signature* Date: Date*
I, First Name Last Name , the parent of student First Name Last Name have decided to pay to CAAST the amounts based on my selection(s) below. I also understand that my agreements outlined in this form will bind me to a contract with CAAST.
Applicable Discounts for siblings
The student is a sibling of First Name Last Name and is eligible for the following discount:1 sibling - 10% Discount 2 siblings - 15% Discount 3/more siblings -20% Discount Name: First Name Last Name Name: First Name Last Name Name: First Name Last Name Name: First Name Last Name $500 registration fee is required for all plans. The registration fee is waived if parent(s) agree(s) to actively participate in everyday school life (life skills, field trips, lunch-time help, class-time help, PSN President, or Fund-Raiser Leader). I will actively participate (waive $500) I will not participate (pay $500)
Fund-raising is required of Student/Parent
By signing below, I have agreed to the selection made above. I understand that payments may be made using cash, money order, cashier's check, personal check, or online using PayPal or a credit/debit card. I understand that any returned check will incur a charge of $50 to me, in addition to other amounts due. I understand that payments 20 or more days overdue will create a delinquent status of the student's account. I understand that if the fund-raising option is chosen and student/parent does not participate, $200 per month (grade 7 and 8) or $400 per month (grades 9 to 12) will be added to student's school bill. I understand that I can meet with the School Treasurer to discuss the student's account as needed.Student records will not be released for delinquent accounts.Parent's Signature: Signature* Date: Date*
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