Natal Chart Reading
Your natal chart is the snapshot of what the sky looked like at the exact moment you were born. Getting your birth chart interpreted is a great way to gain some deeper insight into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, or what you should focus on for your growth.
Big 3 Report
Are you just getting into astrology and not sure where to start? Or maybe you know what your "Big 3" is, but you don't know what it means exactly. To get a full report and break down of your "Big 3" and what it means for you, this interpretation is the perfect choice. Take the first step in exploring astrology with this reading.
North Node Navigation
North Node Navigation is a report that let's you know your soul's purpose based on the North Node in your birth chart.
Saturn Return
The first Saturn Returns happens between the ages of 27-30, when Saturn returns to the same sign it was in at the time of your birth. Saturn teaches us lessons and throws obstacles our way to help us "adult". To get more insight on what to expect during your Saturn return, this interpretation is recommended.
Chiron Report
Chiron is an "asteroid" used in birth charts that represents our deepest wounds and oftentimes is the root of our childhood trauma. Chiron shows us where we have knowledge, experience and wisdom. Due to our experience, Chiron also shows us where and how we are able to help other's heal.
Once you fill out & submit this form, please check your email for a confirmation. Filling out this form saves your place in the queue. Once you're next in the queue, I will email you an invoice for your interpretation. Once payment is received, I will begin interpreting your chart.
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to your confirmation email.
Please choose which interpretation and style you'd like:
Please Select
Natal - Plain PDF ($75)
Natal - Decorated PDF ($100)
Big 3 - Plain PDF ($25)
Big 3 - Decorated PDF ($50)
North Node ☊ Navigation - Plain PDF ($40)
Saturn ♄ Return - Plain PDF ($25)
Chiron Report - Plain PDF ($30)
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Location of birth:
City/Town, State, Country
Time of Birth
AM/PM Option
In a few words, please tell me your intention for getting your natal chart/big 3 interpreted:
Example: I want to know what my strengths are, I want to know what my weaknesses are, I want to know how I can heal, I am just interested in the whole concept and want to see what you come up with. *NOTE: be as honest as possible in this section. This will help me help you. Let me know what your main area of focus is, if you have one.
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