Touch rugby at Nunweek park runs after school on Tuesday nights starting on Tuesday 18 October, breaking for Christmas then running again from 1 February through 1 March. Games are played in 3 grades:
Year 0-2 - 5:30 – 6:00 - Mixed teams only
Year 3-4 - 5:30 – 6:00 - Mixed teams only
Year 5-6 - 6:05 – 6:35 - Girls or boys only teams
NZTC rules and regulations include having a minimum of 2 girls on the field for all mixed teams – we aim to have at least 3 girls in mixed teams to allow for absences and subs. Please note that if our ratio of girls/boys is not sufficient to enter a mixed team, we will need to do a ballot draw to allocate teams.
All players play the full season in their team regardless of changing schools after Christmas – this means that Year 6 children are expected to continue to play in for Waimairi teams in the second half of the summer after they have moved off to Intermediate school.
Touch is slightly different to other sports at Waimairi. The set up and admin is done by parents, school provides the uniforms and every team relies on parent help to manage and coach those teams. Without coaches, there are no teams. As you complete the registration form, there will be an area to indicate your interest in coaching or managing a team – please consider volunteering to ensure we can enter enough teams that everyone is able to play.
The last day for registrations will be Friday 9 September. After that, late registrations won’t be accepted.
Payment must be made to the school account or in cash to the school office on or before Friday 9 September.
If you have any questions or have missed the deadline, please contact