As a condition to participate in this event, the West Texas Longhorn Association (WTLA), the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA), Panhandle South Plains Fairgrouns, its officers, employees, members, agents and representatives are hereby released from all claims, demands or cause of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether now existing or hereafter accrue, on account of any damage, cost of expense (I) as a result of any bodily injury, loss or damage to any persons, animals, equipment or other personal property, from any cause whatsoever, and (II) as a result of the interpretation or enforcement WTLA and TLBAA , Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and the risk of such damage, cost of expense which may occur by reason of foregoing is hereby assumed and accepted. This waiver is binding on the undersigned as well as all other person(s) associated with the participation of person(s) or animal(s) described herein this event and the undersigned indemnifies the WTLA and TLBAA and from all claims, demands or causes of action based upon any of the foregoing.