**Adult State Classic & College Qual anglers **
(1) GBN requires; as of July 1, 2024, all competitors that operate or could operate a combustible engine powered vessel in the GBN Adult State Classic or College Qualifier, to show completion of an approved National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) boater safety course.
(2) IF, any competitor after state qualification, agrees to participate in a BASS Nation event (incl but not limited to, Regional Qualifiers, BASS Nation Championship, etc.), that operate or could operate a combustible engine powered vessel, BASS requires to show completion of an approved National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) boater safety course. This is a ONE TIME show of completion for BASS. Link for BASS submission is here: BASS Boater Safety Course/Edorsement - BASS NAtion
Providing proof of completion for ONLY one of the above, DOES NOT satisfy BOTH requirements. YOU must staisfy each separately as needed.
PLEASE use the space below to upload a copy for GBN of your approved Boater Safety Course completion. This space will accept various file types including pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, html, jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Normally completion certificates are or can be printed as pdf type file.