Decorations. The Renter may decorate the facility at his/her expense. Decorations may not be attached to the walls, doors, windows, ceilings, or light fixtures. Open flames, including but not limited to lit candles, chafing dish warmers, tiki torches, and pyrotechnics are not permitted. The Association reserves the right to limit or prohibit decorations or props that could, in the Association’s sole discretion, unreasonably increase the electrical load.
Music/Entertainment. Music/Entertainment - The Renter may arrange for entertainment at his/her expense; however, additional power sources that could increase the electrical load cannot be used. The Association has the right to determine the appropriate volume of music.
Utilities. The Renter acknowledges that the Association cannot guarantee an uninterrupted supply of electricity, water, heat, air conditioning, or other utilities and that the Renter will hold harmless the Association from any claim of damage arising from loss of a utility. The Association will be diligent in restoring any interrupted utility where it is within its power to do so.
Clean-up. All Renters are required to return the facility to the original clean condition in which it was received immediately following the conclusion of the event. The Association will provide trash cans with one liner each. Additional liners must be provided by the Renter or caterer. Before leaving the premises, the Renter shall remove all garbage, litter, leftover food, decorations, or other materials brought to the facility. All garbage shall be deposited in the commercial dumpster located outside the facility. If the Renter has not cleaned the area properly, additional clean-up shall be charged at the rate of $50 per staff hour and will be withheld from the security deposit. In addition, should the carpet require professional cleaning after an event, the cost of that service will be deducted from the security deposit.
Damage to Facility. The Renter agrees to pay the cost of restoration for any damage to the facility that occurs as a result of the rental. The Association shall in its sole discretion and authority determine the appropriate level of restoration.
Security/Cleaning Deposit. A security/cleaning deposit is collected at the time this Agreement is signed by all parties. This deposit shall be returned in full approximately forty-five (45) days after the conclusion of the event provided that the premises is left in its original condition and no additional charges are incurred. The deposit will be made out to the Renter named on the contract.
The Association may apply the security/cleaning deposit to offset any additional fees or damages payable by the Renter to the Association under this Agreement. Should there be damages or additional charges, the security deposit may be held until restoration is complete and/or all additional charges have been tabulated. As an Inspirada Toll Brothers Village 1 homeowner, the Renter acknowledges and agrees that additional costs above the amount collected in the security/cleaning deposit may be added to the homeowner’s account and become due and payable as if such charge were an assessment.
Payment. Signed contracts and payments must be submitted to the Association no less than ten (10) business days prior to the event. Payment may be made by personal check, cashier’s check, or money order, made payable to Inspirada Community Association or ICA.
Cancellation and Termination. The Association reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without prior notice and without refund of deposit if, in its discretion, the Renter has, in the application, provided false or misleading information, has defaulted in providing anything required by this Agreement, or is in breach of any term or condition of this Agreement. The Renter may cancel this Agreement upon giving written notice to the Association and will receive a refund of deposits on the following schedule:
30 calendar days or more - 100% of all funds deposited
29 - 8 calendar days - 75% of all funds deposited
7 calendar days or less - 0% of room rental but 100% of all other funds.
If the Renter fails to make payment in a timely manner, the Association has the right to terminate this Agreement and has no further obligation to the Renter hereunder. The Association shall not be liable to the Renter for any damages resulting from its cancellation of any event scheduled hereunder.