Prescribing Compression Garments:
In order to enable us to process your order quickly and efficiently, we ask that you please provide all the relevant product details for any compression garment (as applicable)
- Compression Class (15-20, 20-30, 30-40)
- Compression Garment Length (Knee, Thigh, Chaps, Waist, Glove, ArmSleeve, ArmSleeve with Gauntlet, Leg, Footpiece, Knee Piece, Thigh Piece)
- Material / Style (For Jobst this includes: Relief, UltraSheer, ForMen Casual, Active, Farrow Wrap)
- Size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large; Size I-VIII gloves)
- Specific Length (Regular, Long - Gloves / Elvarex2 / Farrow Wrap)
- Toe option (Open Toe / Closed Toe - dependant upon material and options)
- Colour (Beige default if unspecified as black unavailable in many fabric styles)
For a full prescribing form for Jobst products, please see Jobst Prescription Pad
Alternatively, you can specify a product code from either our website or Jobst Code Chart