Chapel Ensemble Auditions
You can lead. If God is calling you to be a leader in Chapel Choir, don’t ignore it. Instead, honor the gifts God has given you and audition for Chapel Ensemble this year. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Chapel Choir are eligible to audition.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Voice Part
Your Personal Email
Your Cell Phone Number
We'll be texting you at this number.
Your Parent's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent's Email
Please double check this email address. Your audition information will be shared with your parent.
Parent's Cell Phone Number
Not yours, but your parent's cell number.
I have watched and discussed the video above in its entirety with my parents.
Yes, my parents and I have watched and discussed the video.
I'm committed to participating in both Ensemble (4:00pm) and Choir (5:00pm) rehearsal each week, and if I'm going to be out, I'll tell John & Brent a week ahead of time.
Yes, my parents and I understand communication expectations for leaders like me.
I've reviewed the Chapel Choir calendar at, and have printed it out, and noted on it all performances and events that I will certainly or might be out. My parents and I have both signed it. I'll bring it to my audition.
I'll bring the signed Chapel Choir calendar to my audition.
I've reviewed the Chapel Ensemble calendar at, and have printed it out, and noted on it all performances and events that I will certainly or might be out. My parents and I have both signed it. I'll bring it to my audition.
I'll bring the signed Chapel Ensemble calendar to my audition.
I've reviewed the Chapel Choir calendar at, and will be at 100% of Mission Tour this summer, from the moment we depart from Dawson to the end of the social after Home Concert. My parents know of this commitment.
I'll be at every bit of it.
I've reviewed the Chapel Choir calendar at, and will be at all three nights of Candlelight this Christmas. My parents know of this commitment.
I'll be at all three nights of Candlelight.
I have a possible conflict and need to talk about it.
I'll be in the choir room for my audition on time, and I won't stress out about it, because I know that the risk I'm taking in giving my best is an act of worship to God.
I'll be there on time, and I'm super chill.
Should be Empty: