Now that you have reviewed what qualities employers are looking for, please complete this quiz by using a little creative thinking. Your objective is to create a business and advertise the position(s) that you are hiring for if you were the employer.
- Please review the following list of instructions need for your hiring advertisement.
- Create a company name (business can be in any industry).
- Create a catchy slogan for your company. For example: NIKE's slogan is "Just Do It".
- Create the position it is that you are hiring for and name a few key responsibilities.
- Review the list of 24 qualities and only choose 5 qualities you want your new hire to possess for the business you have created. Afterwards, please explain why those qualities would be desireable for a potential employee. Think... how can they benefit the employer?
- Create a website, address, and/or phone number where job seekers can apply.
- Remember, get creative and have fun! The purpose of this activitiy is to acknowledge that employers are particular when hiring employees, so if you do your research and know what qualities they are searching for, you can become infomred on how to better prepare yourself.