Dear High School Senior:
Old Dominion Soccer Club (ODSC) is happy to announce that we are awarding two scholarships in the anount of $500 each to a college bound senior. To be eligble for the scholarship you have had to have played in our soccer program or have helped with our Youth Academy.
Eligibility for the scholorship is as follows:
1) Current year High School Graduating Senior.
2) Played in ODSC for the past two years or helped coach in our Youth Academy.
3) Provided a letter of recommendation fro a current or previous soccer coach.
4) Provided a transcipt and SAT/ACT verification.
Application will be evaluated on the following basis:
1) Academic acheivement
2) High school extracurricular activies, awards, and honors
3) Community service and employment
4) Personal statments to essay questions
5) Coach's recommendation
After a review of the appliaction by the Treasurer and approval by the ODSC Board of Directors, each applicant will be notified of the results by phone and/or mail.
Should you have any questions, please contact Diane Anderson, ODSC Collage Scholarship Coordiator, at