Please complete this form to tell us about the material you'd like to give to the Archive. (Note: * = compulsory question.)
Your details
Your contact details
I agree for Feminist Archive North (FAN) to hold my personal data. (Note: All data contained within this form will only be used by FAN for administrative purposes, and will not be made public.)
I agree
About the material
What topics does the material cover?
What dates does it cover?
What formats is the material in? (Tick all that apply)
Papers (e.g. meeting minutes; personal diaries; etc)
Posters / leaflets
Published books
Periodicals (magazines, newspapers etc)
Videos or audio recordings
Other digital files (Word documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, social media posts, etc)
Textiles (banners, T-shirts, etc)
Ephemera (badges, mugs, etc)
If "Other", please describe
Roughly how much material is there? (e.g. number of items; or number of boxes; or linear metres on a shelf)?
Is the material in good condition, or is it fragile or damaged?
Please give a brief biographical note about the person who collected the material, and their involvement in feminism.
Are you the owner of the material you want to give us (“the material”)?
I'm not sure / it's complicated
Are you also the person who collected the material ("the collector")?
Yes, I collected all of it
I collected only part of it, or none of it
If you did not collect all of the material: do you know who the collector(s) were? Please give details if you can.
Does the material include personal information (such as names, addresses) about any other living person apart from you?
I'm not sure/ it's complicated
Do you want to give the material to FAN outright, or deposit it with us while you continue as the owner?
Give outright
Are there any conditions that you would want to place on public access to any or all of the material? (For example, closing it to the public for a certain number of years)
I'm not sure
If yes, please describe
Should be Empty: