Please read all the information below and only sign if you agree to the below terms below:
I will inform your team manager if your child has any medical conditions/ illnesses. Provide a spare inhaler or medication that your child may need to treat any medical conditions during match/ training or team activies. If not provided your child will not be permitted to take part in any team activities.
I understand that Cadishead sports will not tolerate any parents/spectators behaving in an inappropriate way on the touch line, towards players, coach or refferee's. If we receive any complaints the named person will be askd to attend a welfare meeting.
I agree to set up / continue to pay Direct debit/standing order payable on or by 1st of every month into the club account. This covers league and County fees, referees fees, training fees, match kits, equipment and the day to day running, maintenance and development of Cadishead sports JFC.
If payment is cancelled or unpaid this will result in player's insurance to be invalid and result in players not being able to play or train and the player will be deregistered.
If any concerns regarding payments please speak to your team manager
I give permission for photographs and or videos to be used by the club on club website, social media and for promotional purposes.