In the field below please provide a detailed description of your property. This will appear in the property description page of your listing. It is vital you include a paragraph detailing the accessible room configurations, for example:
XYZ has 2 x Accessible Studio Apartments, 2 x Accessible One Bedroom Apartments, 1 x Accessible Two-Bedroom Apartment, and 1 x Accessible Three-Bedroom Apartment. The accessible studio apartment also has interconnecting option with a traditional 2 bedroom apartment, to make one large 3 bedroom apartment. Each first bedroom has king size beds which can be split into 2 singles. Where there is a second or third bedroom , there are 2 single beds.
Note: Please describe the property in the third person, i.e. "The property is easily accessible", rather than "Our property is easily accessible".
When preparing to upload your images please choose not only traditional style photos but also a mix of regular images and accessible images. To ensure you receive frequent bookings, it is vital you include images of all accessible amenities. We recommend at least 2 photos of the bathroom and 1 of the bedroom. The photos do not need to be professional and can be just taken with your phone.
The same applies for the walkthrough video. Our followers like authenticity, so professionally created walkthrough videos are not accepted. Please provide a video created by you, or one of your staff, walking through the property with a focus on the accessible features. Note that we will add custom graphics and remove all sound in the video before using so no need to narrate or add audio. Similarly, we speed up or slow down when required.
IMPORTANT: guests are 6 times more likely to book if they see good images of accessible amenities. (Showing access, the bathroom, equipment and so on).
Please answer the following questions related to accessing your property.
Note: A parking space must be least 2.4m wide and have a height clearance of 2.5 metres, if undercover, for it to be considered as suitable for disabled parking.
Please state measurement of door widths (CM) in the fields below, if no door (i.e. open plan) just state NA. It is vital the measurements are accurate, so a wheelchair user can ensure they can fit through the door.
Please answer the following questions about the bedrooms in your property.
Please answer the following questions about the bathrooms in your property.
Note: To be considered accessible there are no steps to get into the bathroom, the entryway is level and the door is at least 81cm wide.
Note: Answer no if there is a solid/glass screen door that may limit manoeuvrability.
Note: Any grab bars provided must be Australian Standards Approved.
Note: is basin fixed to wall rather than built into cabinet allowing a wheelchair user to position themself under the sink.
Please answer the following questions about the kitchen facilities in your property.
Please answer the following questions about the living areas in your property.
Please answer the following general questions.
Is there space for service dogs for toileting? Is the space secure (e.g. fenced yard). Do you provide bowl for water and food?
Now that you have completed filling in the form you can submit by selecting the "Submit" button below. On successful submission you will be redirected to another page.
You have used an "&" symbol somewhere in the form. Please go back to remove it to avoid any errors upon submitting. There will be an error message pointing it out.